Nation-Wide Front line SUPPORT for Manufacturers, Distributors & end users
A Hybrid Form of Nation Wide Manufacturer & Distribution
Representation in support of End-Users
A Hybrid Form of Nation Wide Manufacturer & Distribution
Representation in support of End-Users
A Reptributor is hybrid form of sales group or person who represents selected manufacturers, distributors and end-users. Contracted manufacturers then use a Reptributor network to market and present their product lines.
A Reptributor is not a distributor and does not stock or sell any product it represents .
Reptributor matches a manufac
A Reptributor is hybrid form of sales group or person who represents selected manufacturers, distributors and end-users. Contracted manufacturers then use a Reptributor network to market and present their product lines.
A Reptributor is not a distributor and does not stock or sell any product it represents .
Reptributor matches a manufacturers product line with group or individuals industry experience. If its a dream to build your own support network, Reptributor will help get you there.
Its All About the End-User
Reptributor's are factory trained representative who specializes in a manufactures product. A Reptributor is a fully armed product selling expert and must be aligned with their industries network distributors. We partner with distributors who are sales-oriented with inside customer support and some marketing capabilities. A Reptributor
Reptributor's are factory trained representative who specializes in a manufactures product. A Reptributor is a fully armed product selling expert and must be aligned with their industries network distributors. We partner with distributors who are sales-oriented with inside customer support and some marketing capabilities. A Reptributor is the front line support for manufacturers, distributors & end-user.
A Reptributor does not sell direct or have a resale certificate.
Support is our business
Yes, many of today's Manufacturer's Reps & Distributor Sales Reps are less likely to promote, demonstrate, sell, assemble and in-service train the product they sell. Our industry and sales growth are at a standstill when it comes to sales people who are not telling, demoing and selling the product they deliver. Many sales people in every
Yes, many of today's Manufacturer's Reps & Distributor Sales Reps are less likely to promote, demonstrate, sell, assemble and in-service train the product they sell. Our industry and sales growth are at a standstill when it comes to sales people who are not telling, demoing and selling the product they deliver. Many sales people in every industry have been forced to become order takers or route salespeople. The profit margins have been driven to zero due to this overly competitive & competitive market place reality. The successful price driven Amazon mentality has crushed the investment normally made by traditional distributors. DSR’s have taken the direction of least resistance and lead with low ball pricing leaving little room for support & service.
It's a Race to Zero...
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